Edwin O. Reischauer (1960/ Professor, Harvard University, USA, an historian in East Asian Affairs.) |
Hangul is perhaps the most scientific system of writing in general use in
any country.
- East Asia : The Great Tradition, 1960 |
Geoffrey Sampson (1985/ Professor of Natural Language Computing, University of Sussex, Linguist.) |
Whether or not it is ultimately the best of all conceivable scripts for Korean, Hangeul must be unquestionably ranked as one of the greatest intellectual achievements of humankind.
- Writing systems : A linguistic introduction, 1990 |
J.D. McCawley (Professor, University of Chicago, Linguist. He has celebrated Hangeul Day with his fellow linguists for more than 20 years.) |
"I take it for granted that the academic world of linguistics praise and celebrate Hangeul Day as a holiday. So I've been celebrating Hangeul Day every year for more than 20 years."
-The Biblical Meaning of Hangeul(2005) p.26 from the body, Jeon Taekbu. . |
Hiroyuki Umeda (Former Professor of University of Tokyo, President of Reitaku University, Japan) |
"Hangeul is the most developed phonemic alphabet and also feature characters that are much better than Roman characters."
- Digital Hangeul Museum > Future Room> Globalization of Hangeul (2007-09-15)
http://www.hangeulmuseum.org/sub/future/world/foreign_study01.jsp |
John Man (Science historian, UK, traveler, documentary director) |
Korean Hangul is the long-waited perfect script.
- Alpha Beta: How 26 Letters shaped the Western World, 2000. |
Werner Sasse (Professor, University of Hamburg) |
"King Sejong systematized the phonological theory five centuries earlier than the West which completed its phonological theory in the twentieth century. Hangeul is the best alphabet in the world which combines the traditional philosophy and the science theory." |
- Digital Hangeul Museum > Future Room> Globalization of Hangeul (2007-09-15)
http://www.hangeulmuseum.org/sub/future/world/foreign_study01.jsp |
Jared Diamond (Physiologist, Medical College of UCLA, Pulitzer Prize winner) |
"The King's 28 letters have been described by scholars as the world's best alphabet and the most scientific system of writing."
- Science magazine <Discovery>, June 1994 |
李得春 (Professor, Yanbian University) |
"Hangeul is simple, tactic, minute and easy Korean alphabet. The reason why the number of Hangeul learners is increasing in China is not only because the presence of Korea in the Chinese culture has rose but also because its outstanding phonemic structure makes it easier for the Chinese to learn Korean. The scholars of Joseon Dynasty accomplished what Chinese could not by transcribing Chinese sound of Chinese characters with a phonogram 'Hunminjeongeum.' Hangeul put a period to the history of Chinese language which had been delivered only by characters without sound transcription." |
- [The Dong-a Ilbo] ColumnHangeul in the world? Hangeul in the well!(2008-08-18)
http://www.donga.com/fbin/output?n=200808180093 |
Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio (the Nobel Prize winner for literature in 2008) |
Differentiated from English and French, Korean is a unique language that can be learned easily. One day is enough to master reading in Korean. Hangeul is a very scientific and convenient alphabet system for communication." |
- Interview article http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2008/12/07/2008120700768.html |